

Mr. Jesudas J Varghese has been active in the IT  Industry for more than 9 years before starting NovaEdu. During this time, he has held managerial positions. “Jes” as we call him manages the HR
and management at NovaEdu. He has a deep understanding of education market in South India and he makes sure that right students studies in right institutions.

Ms. Deepali Singh Varghese Former Education and Visa Counsellor, Canadian Education Centre India, New Delhi is the Director and Career and Guidance Counselor at NovaEdu. She realizes the dreams of those students who aspire to get educated from institutions abroad. She brings to the position more than 12 yrs of experience in the field of education and development in India. She began her career working as intern in Education UK department, British Council New Delhi office in India and moved on to work with Canadian Education Centre, New Delhi as Education and Visa Counsellor.

Deepali’s 12 years long experience and expertise to counsel and educate students about the various opportunities abroad goes a long way in helping them overcome hurdles with ease and attain admissions in renowned world class institutions.